

NuAura MedSpa offers a variety of laser treatments to rejuvenate your skin tone and texture, treat fine lines, diffuse redness and scars, reduce the appearance of unsightly veins and get rid of unwanted hair.

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If this is your first time receiving a medical aesthetics treatment with NuAura a health history and general consultation are required.


Laser IPL Photo Facial

What is an IPL Photofacial?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) photofacial is a laser treatment designed to treat age spots and sun damage while reversing the signs of aging. Based on Intense Pulsed Light, the therapy is non-surgical and well-tolerated. Our team uses IPL therapy to treat various skin conditions, including sun spots, hyperpigmentation, skin discolorations, facial spider veins, broken capillaries, rosacea, and fine lines. Based on your medical history and skin type, our skincare professionals will assess your skin condition and set an appropriate treatment plan for you to achieve visible results in the shortest period possible.

How does the treatment work?

During an IPL photofacial, the high-intensity light penetrates the top layer of the skin and gets to the damaged tissues and hyperactive melanin that causes brown spots, blemishes, and freckles. The light turns into heat which is then soaked up by the red blood cells and melanin in your skin.
The high-energy light waves damage the areas where they land and break up melanin. The melanin then starts to fade on the skin’s surface. Furthermore, the damaged hemoglobin stimulates blood flow and facilitates better absorption of melanin.
One of the most appreciated rejuvenation and antiaging cosmetic procedures available on the market, the photofacial treatment treats not only the effects of sun damage on your skin but also stimulates collagen growth and improves skin texture, helping with fine wrinkles. The procedure is FDA-approved and can be adjusted according to the patient’s skin type, color, and condition.

What to expect during the procedure?

The procedure is non-invasive and lasts 20-30 minutes. Following a short consultation, our team will recommend the number of treatment sessions necessary for the best results. We will assess your skin for various conditions and recommend avoiding certain medications (aspirin, ibuprofen) or activities (tanning, waxing, chemical peels) two weeks before the treatment for minimum side effects.
The duration of the treatment depends on the skin condition and the area exposed to the treatment. If needed, we will apply a topical numbing cream to your face.  You will be given protective glasses.
Using a handheld device, we will apply the pulses to the areas of concern. You may feel a warm sensation. The intensity of the discomfort depends on your skin type and sensitivity, varying from a mild sting to the sensation of someone snapping a rubber band on your skin. The treatment is gentle, and since the device has an advanced cooling system, your discomfort should be minimal.

What about after the procedure?

An IPL photofacial requires no recovery time and allows the patient to return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure ends. The treated area may be red and sensitive for a couple of hours and most patients experience a sensation similar to a sunburn. Swelling is also to be expected, but it will be minimal. You can expect your skin to be overly sensitive in the days to follow, so it is best to avoid using overly hot water until completely healed.
If you have chosen the procedure to treat brown spots, don’t panic if you notice your spots becoming darker than before. This is a normal consequence of the treatment, and they will eventually fade in the days to come. Dark spots can also have a crust and flake, which is normal and part of the healing process
You will notice the first results immediately after the procedure. Your skin will look tighter and smoother and will also begin the natural exfoliation process to remove the dark spots. However, depending on skin types and damage, your team may recommend up to 3 sessions scheduled 4-6 weeks apart. The results are permanent but can’t prevent new brown or age spots. For this reason, we recommend our patients schedule maintenance sessions every 6 to 12 months for long-lasting effects.

Laser Genesis

Cutera Laser Genesis

The laser genesis procedure utilizes non-invasive laser technology to safely, naturally, and effectively treat fine line wrinkles, diffuse redness and scars. You can expect to see consistent results after each treatment. Treatments can be performed in a relaxed, comfortable manner without the use of topical anesthetics or gel.

What areas can be treated?

Laser Genesis patients report excellent results over their entire face and neck. Additionally, practitioners may suggest this therapy to help minimize scars and rejuvenate the skin.

Can it treat facial redness and rosacea?

Diffuse facial redness is a general appearance of facial redness, such as rosy cheeks. This condition is caused by dilated capillaries, resulting in an appearance of general redness, not discrete, well-defined vessels. The most commonly affected areas are the nose, forehead, and cheeks. Diffuse facial redness is often associated with a condition called rosacea and it can be hereditary. Laser Genesis helps your appearance by gently treating and reducing this condition.

Laser treatment of vascular lesions

The Cutera® Laser Difference

Reduce the appearance of unsightly and unwanted veins and achieve smooth, beautiful skin with advanced laser therapy. The Cutera® Laser is a superior treatment system that combines the ideal wavelength with the most flexible parameters to yield results for a wide range of skin tones. Quick, safe and efficient, Cutera® is the ideal treatment

What Types Of Veins Does It Treat?

The Cutera® Laser can remove unsightly veins from all parts of the body. Small, facial veins or telangiectasia can be treated quickly without bruising or complication. While spider veins and large blue leg veins can be treated with excellent results, knotty varicose veins are not good candidates. Receiving a pre-evaluation with Dr. Karp can help you determine which vessels can be treated and which course of treatment is right for you.

How Does Cutera® Laser Vein Therapy Work?

Highly effective at smoothing out unsightly facial and leg veins, this advanced Laser Vein Therapy treats a broad range of vessels from tiny spider to deep blue reticular veins. The Cutera® Laser delivers pulses of light energy that cause the blood within the vein to coagulate, eventually destroying the vessel. This is later reabsorbed by the body and blood flow gets redirected to veins deeper below the skin’s surface (where blood is naturally meant to circulate). As a result, the appearance of the veins completely disappears.

Is Cutera® Laser Treatment Right For Me?

The Cutera® Laser is uniquely designed with a long wavelength that supports treatment of all skin tones. Cutera® boasts outstanding results for both women and men alike, as well as, dark, light or tanned complexions.

How Does Cutera® Laser Therapy Compare To Sclerotherapy?

Cutera® is a quick, easy, effective treatment with little to no discomfort for the patient. While your doctor can advise you on the best course of action, many physicians and patients prefer Cutera® Laser Vein Therapy because it does not involve painful injections.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The Cutera® Laser sends concentrated light beams into the vein in order to reduce the vein’s appearance. Depending on the size, how many you have, and the color of your skin, you should only need two to five treatments to completely diminish the vein’s appearance.

Laser Hair Removal

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is an easy, semi-permanent solution for people looking to rid themselves of unwanted hair. Laser hair removal treatments involve exposing unwanted hair to concentrated pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicle, resulting in permanent hair reduction. The laser’s energy is absorbed by the melanin in hair and travels down the hair shaft into the follicle, destroying it. Due to the role of pigment in the process, it’s particularly effective for people with dark hair and light skin. However, the process will remove unwanted body hair for people of all skin colors and hair types.

Why Cutera laser hair removal?

The Cutera Xeo has multiple modalities for hair removal to specifically target your hair type. It has an active cooling tip and tailored energy delivery to maximize comfort. If you have had experience with older hair removal systems they can be painful and clumsy. The Cutera Xeo with NdYag and Prowave technology is the industry standard for easy and comfortable laser hair removal.

How many sessions are required for removal?

The laser treatment process requires about six to eight sessions. Each session will be scheduled six weeks apart. With each session, you’ll notice a visible reduction in future hair growth. The full treatment cycle may take up to nine months. The results are permanent, but you may need touch-up sessions every six to 12 months depending on your skin type.

How do I prepare for the treatment?

You’ll receive detailed instructions on how to prepare for the procedure during the initial consultation. For most patients, you’ll be asked to avoid sun exposure several days prior to the procedure as it can’t be performed on tanned skin. Avoid waxing or plucking a week before because the laser hair removal procedure acts on the hair follicle, also, it can’t be performed on irritated skin. There are medications that may need to be suspended before the procedure and those will be discussed during the initial consultation.

What happens during the procedure?

At your appointment, a hand-held laser device will be applied to the target area.  You will be provided with protective eyewear. You may feel a mild heat sensation as the laser does its work, some patients report it feels like warm pinpricks. The treatment only lasts a few minutes for smaller areas but can take up to an hour for larger areas.

Side effects are rare and when they occur are typically minimal. Among them are swelling, redness, and skin irritation. They usually disappear within a few days of the procedure. More significant side effects may include burns, blisters, scars, infections, or changes in skin color. These are exceptionally rare and avoided by ensuring you work with our experienced team.

What do I do after the treatment?

Avoid extended UV exposure for 7 days post-treatment. Avoid using seat warmers immediately after treatment. Avoid any additional laser treatments or a chemical procedure on the treated area for at least 2 weeks post-treatment or until healing has occurred. Exfoliate treated areas to minimize the risk of ingrown hairs. After laser hair removal and between scheduled treatments, avoid sun exposure from both natural sunlight and tanning beds.

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